Steel Blend
FiberForce 850 is a steel fiber blend formulated with 23.0 pounds of Steel Pro Type V and 1.0 pound of FiberForce 500, which is the typical dosage rate for a cubic yard of concrete. The two products are provided to the concrete producer in a single bag to increase efficiency. This blend provides both the post-first crack properties of the steel fibers and the plastic and drying shrinkage crack reinforcement of the Micro Synthetic fibers in a package that is easy to mix, place and finish
FiberForce 850
FiberForce 850General Information FiberForce 850 is a blend of steel macrofibers and synthetic microfibers. FiberForce 850 combines a Type V steel macrofiber with a monofilament microfiber. The specific blend ratio is 23 lb/1 lb (steel macrofiber/synthetic microfiber)...
Get in touch
Physical address
Helena Industrial Park
545 Elm Street
Helena, AL 35080
Mailing address
P.O. Box 580
Helena, AL 35080
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